This section of the Parker Chapel website is for blog posts, thoughts, essays, a message from Pastor Bill, etc. If you have thoughts to share, please do! You can email to
Contact information is at the bottom of every page.
Blog Posts
Blog Posts
Pre-Christmas blues
What follows is a message I shared with the ladies of Parker Chapel who attended a Christmas brunch that I hosted in my home on December 14, 2024::
Meaningful Surrender
What happens when you say yes to your reality? Sometimes saying yes simply means that you surrender to something you are powerless to change anyway.
These Hands
I recently read a fellow brain injury survivor’s blog post. In her article she mentioned her deceased mother-in-law’s hands. The daughter-in-law thought they were beautiful, although the lady would have disagreed.
God’s Love and a Dachshund
I looked on with no small amount of repugnance. The man sharing the park bench with me cradled his overweight dachshund’s long muzzle in his two meaty hands and, nose to nose, spoke as to a baby.
Message From Pastor
Message from Pastor
In this area we hope to post photos of church life. Photo donations happily accepted.
Parker Chapel is proud of Kelly Deiss.
Pastor Bill adding lighting to our cross
Uncle Sam AKA John Gorman